Saturday, July 2, 2011

Anabolic Lifestyle: Life Worth Living

Anabolic Lifestyle:
    Is this just a catchy phrase or does it have a pragmatic meaning?  For me it's a descriptive terminology of the "rose colored lens" through which I view the world.  First off, let's break down the words anabolic and lifestyle.

Anabolic comes from the greek ana, meaning upward.  This equals growth or improvement.

Lifestyle is the way a person lives.

    I strive to constantly grow and improve in my life which can only be accomplished through Jesus Christ.  Every aspect of my life, it's value, worth, and meaning revolves around my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  A life lived for Christ, one lived by faith, without fear and strengthened by Christ is the only life worth living for me.  Let my actions speak loudly and my heart forever be fixed on the glory of God!  This is the Anabolic Lifestyle!

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